This is my Sears DieHard 105 Amp Hour Marine Deep Cycle battery. It is a load to carry around but can power all of my equipment for a couple of nights with no problem. I mounted the 3 outlet cigarette lighter that I bought at Radio Shack. I also added a car fuse holder (with 10 amp fuse) and a red LED light. The light provides two functions. It lets me know if the fuse has blown and it trickle discharges the battery. I draws so little current that I doubt the second reason is of any real help, but it makes me feel better :-)
  Here are the cases that I made to haul all my stuff around. They have actually changed quite a bit since I took these photos. It seems as though I cut new holes every week!
This case has a pull out "Shelf". Under it hides my ST-4.
This is my Nikon F2 mounted on my AP130EDT. I added this picture to show the magnified viewer I made out of a 8X Peak Loupe. I got this idea from Jerry Lodriguss's Web Page, "Catching the Light". If you have never been there, I suggest a visit. It is one of the most informative web pages that I have ever visited.