General Astronomy Pages

Sky & Telescope

The Planetary Society

The Universe Today


Astrophotography Pages

Astrocruise - (Philip Perkins Astrophotography) Philip has produced a lot of great shots using a 10" LX200

Michael Covington's Astrophotography - Great source of astrophoto's and Info

Chris Vedeler's Astrophotography - Chris's site has great astrophoto's and great info

Catching The Light - Jerry Lodriguss's outstanding web page with astrophoto's and tons of information on post-processing with Photoshop

Astrophotography Mailing List (APML) archives - The best list I have ever belonged to!

Mountain Instruments MI-250 List - A listserve for information on Mountain Instruments equipment.


Astronomy/Astrophotography Companies/Retailers

Oceanside Photo and Telescope - Retailer of fine astronomy equipment

Hutech Astronomical Products - Retailer of very nice IDAS light pollution and tri-Color filters for astrophotography (available in many sizes).

Kendrick Studio - Maker of many fine astronomical accessories

Losmandy - Maker of precision Equatorial Mounts (GM8 and G11), mounting plates, and rings

Lumicon - Maker of many fine astronomical/astophoto accessories

Mountain Instruments - Maker of precision Equatorial Mounts (MI-250 and MI-500)

Parallax Instruments - Makers of fine Astronomical Telescopes and Equatorial Mountings (Rings)

Software Bisque - Maker of Robotic Mounts and "The Sky" software

ScopeTronix - Maker of accessories for Meade LX Mounts and ETX scopes

Mitty Observatory Machine Shop - Maker of Exceptional Wedges for Meade RCX and LX series telescopes

Telescope & Binocular - Retailer of fine astronomy equipment